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Old 02-07-2024, 06:14 PM   #7
Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'Ebookus knows the difference between 'who' and 'whom'
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okay this is really weird now, from the KOReader file browser, using both "show hidden files" and "show unsupported files" I can only see the .css file I added i.e "Small Margins.css".

connecting the kindle to my Mac and using "Shift+Command+." (show hidden files on macOS) also does not show any other files apart from the one I added. Yet, I still get the ". Small Margin" under 'user style tweaks'.

So naturally, I changed the name to the css file to "small column margin.css" and now have another option under 'user style tweaks' called ... you guessed it, ". small column margin" what gives?
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