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Old 04-06-2024, 08:53 PM   #7
JCL Punch-Card Collector
Jaws began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Antarctica
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I'm not going to get into an argument that parallels "appropriate variable-naming conventions." This is a forum for e-books, not obscure quasireligious arguments that nobody can ever win... although "standards compliance" actually matters in the real world. (Don't get me started on "copyright pages have been at the front of the book for a couple of centuries, and actual scholars depend on it, but us kewl kidz are going to put them at the end of our e-books just to show we're kewl and have the most-up-to-date-and-overpriced dedicated name-brand e-book readers" — I'll resemble the Tasmanian Devil within two or three minutes.)

All seriousness aside, it matters when one needs to go back and debug something later. I am not looking forward to that when some standard/assumption/file format changes down the road — and it will happen; I remember the "WordStar standard file format" all too well (I'm old; I also remember EBCDIC character coding).

Originally Posted by theducks View Post
OT Why collect JCL cards. is there sill card readers around ?
Yes. In museums. That said, I have a working external 5.25" floppy drive I backended into a USB interface with a soldering iron, some ingenuity, and breadboarding skillz from the 70s — if I can find the bloody power cable...

Not to mention the collection of five-pin DIN-connector spare keyboards.
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