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Old 04-29-2024, 04:50 AM   #1
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missrelativity began at the beginning.
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Adding custom fonts or dictionaries to the Android app


I'm playing around with the Android app to see if I like it enough to buy an actual Pocketbook device. I found a lot online about adding custom dictionaries and fonts to Pocketbook ereaders themselves. What about the Android app, though? The fact that the font is so pale compared to the background is driving me insane. (I've set the background to ffffff and the font to 000000). I've tried every font that is pre-installed, but they are either not bold enough or way too bold, to the point it hurts my eyes. I would like to install some more bold fonts (since there doesn't seem a way to increase boldness or contrast manually, correct me if I'm wrong). Also what about custom dictionaries? If I wanted to read a book in another language and use an actual dictionary to translate the words, not Google translate, is there a way to do this? If I get a Pocketbook I will be using the Android app on my phone/tablet a lot, so it's important that is usable to me. Don't tell me to use Koreader please, I know about Koreader and I love it, but I would like to be able to use the stock app too. Thanks in advance 🙂
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