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Old 03-24-2016, 08:23 PM   #16
luis.nando began at the beginning.
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Ok, guys.

I've fixed it. Head to this link
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Old 05-15-2016, 10:36 PM   #17
Bola de Fogo
Bola de Fogo began at the beginning.
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Hi guys,

Why dont you use the receipt created by Euler Alves and Alex Mitrani, that it is already included on Calibri last version (no UOL login required)?

Since it was not updated, I´ve easily improved it by including new columnists and sections. Works perfectly.
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Old 05-16-2016, 07:14 PM   #18
luis.nando began at the beginning.
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Their recipe is great, you are right. However, there is a lot of bad journalistic material that goes into Folha website, that does not creeps in the printed version. Also, AFAIK there is no way of isolating what went into the printed version from the aggregated .rss articles.

Thus, I can see use for both recipes, they are complementary.
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Old 05-16-2016, 10:42 PM   #19
Bola de Fogo
Bola de Fogo began at the beginning.
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Luis, you are right about the printed version issue, but the quality of the articles are great, no "bad materials" are coming.

Anyway, there is my improved version of the original receipt. Cover, sections and columnists updated.

from import BasicNewsRecipe
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import Tag,BeautifulSoup
from calibre.utils.magick import Image, PixelWand
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError

class FolhaOnline(BasicNewsRecipe):
    THUMBALIZR_API        = ''  # ---->Get your at and put here
    LANGUAGE              = 'pt_br'
    language = 'pt_BR'
    LANGHTM               = 'pt-br'
    ENCODING              = 'cp1252'
    ENCHTM                = 'iso-8859-1'
    directionhtm          = 'ltr'
    requires_version      = (0,7,47)
    news                  = True

    title                 = u'Folha de S\xE3o Paulo improved'
    __author__            = 'Euler Alves and Alex Mitrani, improved by Bola de Fogo'
    description           = u'Brazilian news from Folha de S\xE3o Paulo'
    publisher             = u'Folha de S\xE3o Paulo'
    category              = 'news, rss'

    oldest_article        = 4
    max_articles_per_feed = 200
    summary_length        = 1000

    remove_javascript     = True
    no_stylesheets        = True
    use_embedded_content  = False
    remove_empty_feeds    = True
    timefmt               = ' [%d %b %Y (%a)]'

    html2lrf_options      = [
                            '--comment', description
                            ,'--category', category
                            ,'--publisher', publisher

    html2epub_options     = 'publisher="' + publisher + '"\ncomments="' + description + '"\ntags="' + category + '"'

    hoje                  =
    pubdate               = hoje.strftime('%a, %d %b')
    if hoje.hour<6:
        hoje = hoje-timedelta(days=1)

    CAPA = ''+hoje.strftime('%Y')+'/'+hoje.strftime('%m')+'/'+hoje.strftime('%d')+'/br/br_folha_spaulo.200.jpg'
    SCREENSHOT            = ''
    cover_margins         = (0,0,'white')
    masthead_url          = ''

    keep_only_tags      = [
        dict(name='div', attrs={'id':'articleNew'}),
        dict(name='article', id='news'),

    feeds = [
    (u'Em cima da hora', u'')
    ,(u'Poder', u'')
    ,(u'Cotidiano', u'')
    ,(u'Mercado', u'')
    ,(u'Mundo', u'')
    ,(u'Esporte', u'')
    ,(u'Comida', u'')
    ,(u'Tec', u'')
    ,(u'Ilustrada', u'')
    ,(u'Ambiente', u'')
    ,(u'Opiniao', u'')
    ,(u'Ci\xEAncia', u'')
    ,(u'Equil\xEDbrio e Sa\xFAde', u'')
    ,(u'Elio Gaspari', u'')
    ,(u'Tati Bernardi', u'')
    ,(u'PVC', u'')
    ,(u'Clóvis Rossi', u'')
    ,(u'Hélio Schwartsman', u'')
    ,(u'Humberto Luiz Peron', u'')
    ,(u'João Pereira Coutinho', u'')
    ,(u'Cony', u'')
    ,(u'Juca', u'')
    ,(u'Viniciu Torres Freitas', u'')
    ,(u'Monica Bergamo', u'')
    ,(u'Vinicius Mota', u'')
    ,(u'Bernardo Guimaraes', u'')
    ,(u'Tostao', u'')
    ,(u'Valdo Cruz', u'')

    conversion_options = {
    'title'            : title
    ,'comments'        : description
    ,'publisher'       : publisher
    ,'tags'            : category
    ,'language'        : LANGUAGE
    ,'linearize_tables': True

    def preprocess_html(self, soup):
        for item in soup.findAll(style=True):
            del item['style']
        if not soup.find(attrs={'http-equiv':'Content-Language'}):
            meta0 = Tag(soup,'meta',[("http-equiv","Content-Language"),("content",self.LANGHTM)])
        if not soup.find(attrs={'http-equiv':'Content-Type'}):
            meta1 = Tag(soup,'meta',[("http-equiv","Content-Type"),("content","text/html; charset="+self.ENCHTM)])
        return soup

    def postprocess_html(self, soup, first):
        # process all the images. assumes that the new html has the correct path
        for tag in soup.findAll(lambda tag:'img' and 'src' in tag):
            iurl = tag['src']
            img = Image()
            width, height = img.size
            print 'img is: ', iurl, 'width is: ', width, 'height is: ', height
            if img < 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Out of memory')
            pw = PixelWand()
            if(width > height and width > 590) :
                print 'Rotate image'
                img.rotate(pw, -90)
        return soup

    def get_cover_url(self):
        cover_url      = self.CAPA
        pedido         = Request(self.CAPA)
        pedido.add_header('User-agent','Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; '+self.LANGHTM+'; userid='+self.THUMBALIZR_API+') Calibre/0.8.47 (like Gecko)')
            resposta   = urlopen(pedido)
            soup       = BeautifulSoup(resposta)
            cover_item = soup.find('body')
            if cover_item:
            return cover_url
        except URLError:
            return cover_url
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Old 05-17-2016, 01:08 AM   #20
luis.nando began at the beginning.
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Dear Bola de Fogo,

Thanks for sharing. Note that the calibre devs keep an eye at these posts as they updated to the latest version as soon as I linked to it. So, perhaps, it is a good idea to post the recipe at Euler's original post as well, which I couldn't find. Here is one thread about that version, though:

Up to you if you want to leave a heads up there.

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Old 05-20-2016, 06:47 AM   #21
Bola de Fogo
Bola de Fogo began at the beginning.
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Device: Kindle Paper White

Thanks for the help, my FSP improved version was included at the new calibri version released today.

(thanks for Mr Goyal as well)
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Old 08-22-2017, 05:57 AM   #22
luis.nando began at the beginning.
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We are again with a broken recipe for the Printed Folha Version. Some API changes in get_browser() may be the culprit. It would be nice if @kovidgoyal would help out on this one as I can't figure out how to correct it.

Below is the current broken code:

from import BasicNewsRecipe

import re
import datetime

class FSP(BasicNewsRecipe):

    title      = u'Folha de S\xE3o Paulo'
    __author__ = 'Joao Eduardo Bertacchi'
    description = u'Printed edition contents. UOL subscription required.' + \
                  u' [Conte\xfado completo da edi\xe7\xe3o impressa. Somente para assinantes UOL.]'

    masthead_url = ''

    language = 'pt_BR'
    no_stylesheets = True
    max_articles_per_feed  = 100
    remove_javascript  = True
    needs_subscription = True

    keep_only_tags = [
        dict(name='div', id='articleNew'), dict(name='table', attrs={'class':'articleGraphic'}),
        dict(name='article', id='news'),

    publication_type = 'newspaper'
    simultaneous_downloads = 5

    remove_attributes = ['height','width']

    # The following is an attempt to fix the problem with the section names, but whenever new sections are added it can generate accentuation problems still
    section_dict = {'cotidian' : 'cotidiano', 'ilustrad': 'ilustrada',
                    'quadrin': 'quadrinhos' , 'opiniao' : u'opini\xE3o',
                    'ciencia' : u'cincia' , 'saude' : u'sa\xfade',
                    'ribeirao' : u'ribeir\xE3o' , 'equilibrio' : u'equil\xedbrio',
                    'imoveis' : u'im\xf3veis', 'negocios' : u'neg\xf3cios',
                    'veiculos' : u've\xedculos', 'corrida' : 'folha corrida',

    # this solves the problem with truncated content in Kindle
    conversion_options = {'linearize_tables' : True}

    extra_css = """
#articleNew { font: 18px Times New Roman,verdana,arial; }
img { background: none !important; float: none; margin: 0px; }
.newstexts { list-style-type: none; height: 20px; margin: 15px 0 10px 0; }
.newstexts.last { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 5px 0 15px 0; padding-top: 15px; }
.newstexts li { display: inline; padding: 0 5px; }
.newstexts li.prev { float: left; }
.newstexts { float: right; }
.newstexts li span { width: 12px; height: 15px; display: inline-block; }
.newstexts li.prev span { background-position: -818px -46px; }
.newstexts span { background-position: -832px -46px; }
.newstexts li a { font: bold 12px arial, verdana, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; color: #999; text-decoration: none !important; }
.newstexts li a:hover { text-decoration: underline !important }
.headerart { font-weight: bold; }
.title { font: bold 39px Times New Roman,verdana,arial; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 10px; }
.creditart, .origin { font: bold 12px arial, verdana, sans-serif; color: #999; margin: 0px; display: block; }
.headerart p, .fine_line p { margin: 0 !important; }
.fine_line { font: bold 18px Times New Roman,verdana,arial; }
.fine_line p { margin-bottom: 18px !important;  }
.fine_line p:first-child { font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; font-size: 20px !important; }
.eye { display: block; width: 317px; border-top: 2px solid #666; padding: 7px 0 7px; border-bottom: 2px solid #666; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; }
.kicker { font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 18px; font-family: Times New Roman,verdana,arial !important; }
.blue { color: #000080; }
.red { color: #F00; }
.blue { color: #000080; }
.green { color: #006400; }
.orange { color: #FFA042; }
.violet { color: #8A2BE2; }
.text_footer { font-size: 15px; }
.title_end { font-size: 23px; font-weight: bold; }
.divisor { text-indent: -9999px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; height: 1px; margin: 0; }
.star { background: none !important; height: 15px; }
.articleGraphic { margin-bottom: 20px; }

    # This is the code for login, here a mini browser is called and id entered
    def get_browser(self):
        br = BasicNewsRecipe.get_browser(self)
        if self.username is not None and self.password is not None:
            br.form = br.forms()
            br['user']   = self.username
            br['pass'] = self.password
        return br

    # Parsing the index webpage
    def parse_index(self):

        # In the last version, the index page became simpler:
        INDEX = ''
        self.log('--> INDEX set ', INDEX)

        soup = self.index_to_soup(INDEX)

        feeds = []
        articles = []
        section_title = u'Primeira p\xe1gina'

        for post in soup.findAll('a'):
            strpost = str(post)
            if re.match('<a href="*/"><span.class="', strpost):
                if articles:
                    feeds.append((section_title, articles))
                    self.log('--> new section found, creating old section feed: ', section_title)
                # section_title = post['name']
                section_title = self.tag_to_string(post)
                if section_title in self.section_dict:
                    section_title = self.section_dict[section_title]
                articles = []
                self.log('--> new section title:   ', section_title)
            elif strpost.startswith('<a href="/fsp/cp'):
            elif strpost.startswith('<a href'):
                url = post['href']
                if url.startswith(''):
                    title = self.tag_to_string(post)
                    self.log('--> post:  ', post)
                    self.log('--> url:   ', url)
                    self.log('--> title: ', title)
                    articles.append({'title':title, 'url':url})

        if articles:
            feeds.append((section_title, articles))

        del feeds[0]
        return feeds
And the error is:

calibre, version 3.4.0 (linux2, embedded-python: False)
Conversion error: Falha: Fetch news from Folha de São Paulo

Fetch news from Folha de São Paulo
Conversion options changed from defaults:
  output_profile: 'kindle'
  verbose: 2
Resolved conversion options
calibre version: 3.4.0
{'asciiize': False,
 'author_sort': None,
 'authors': None,
 'base_font_size': 0,
 'book_producer': None,
 'change_justification': 'original',
 'chapter': None,
 'chapter_mark': 'pagebreak',
 'comments': None,
 'cover': None,
 'debug_pipeline': None,
 'dehyphenate': True,
 'delete_blank_paragraphs': True,
 'disable_font_rescaling': False,
 'dont_compress': False,
 'dont_download_recipe': False,
 'duplicate_links_in_toc': False,
 'embed_all_fonts': False,
 'embed_font_family': None,
 'enable_heuristics': False,
 'expand_css': False,
 'extra_css': None,
 'extract_to': None,
 'filter_css': None,
 'fix_indents': True,
 'font_size_mapping': None,
 'format_scene_breaks': True,
 'html_unwrap_factor': 0.4,
 'input_encoding': None,
 'input_profile': <calibre.customize.profiles.InputProfile object at 0x7fa8a5e11850>,
 'insert_blank_line': False,
 'insert_blank_line_size': 0.5,
 'insert_metadata': False,
 'isbn': None,
 'italicize_common_cases': True,
 'keep_ligatures': False,
 'language': None,
 'level1_toc': None,
 'level2_toc': None,
 'level3_toc': None,
 'line_height': 0,
 'linearize_tables': False,
 'lrf': False,
 'margin_bottom': 5.0,
 'margin_left': 5.0,
 'margin_right': 5.0,
 'margin_top': 5.0,
 'markup_chapter_headings': True,
 'max_toc_links': 50,
 'minimum_line_height': 120.0,
 'mobi_file_type': 'old',
 'mobi_ignore_margins': False,
 'mobi_keep_original_images': False,
 'mobi_toc_at_start': False,
 'no_chapters_in_toc': False,
 'no_inline_navbars': True,
 'no_inline_toc': False,
 'output_profile': <calibre.customize.profiles.KindleOutput object at 0x7fa8a5e11f10>,
 'page_breaks_before': None,
 'personal_doc': '[PDOC]',
 'prefer_author_sort': False,
 'prefer_metadata_cover': False,
 'pretty_print': False,
 'pubdate': None,
 'publisher': None,
 'rating': None,
 'read_metadata_from_opf': None,
 'remove_fake_margins': True,
 'remove_first_image': False,
 'remove_paragraph_spacing': False,
 'remove_paragraph_spacing_indent_size': 1.5,
 'renumber_headings': True,
 'replace_scene_breaks': '',
 'search_replace': None,
 'series': None,
 'series_index': None,
 'share_not_sync': False,
 'smarten_punctuation': False,
 'sr1_replace': '',
 'sr1_search': '',
 'sr2_replace': '',
 'sr2_search': '',
 'sr3_replace': '',
 'sr3_search': '',
 'start_reading_at': None,
 'subset_embedded_fonts': False,
 'tags': None,
 'test': False,
 'timestamp': None,
 'title': None,
 'title_sort': None,
 'toc_filter': None,
 'toc_threshold': 6,
 'toc_title': None,
 'transform_css_rules': None,
 'unsmarten_punctuation': False,
 'unwrap_lines': True,
 'use_auto_toc': False,
 'verbose': 2}
InputFormatPlugin: Recipe Input running
Using custom recipe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/calibre-parallel", line 20, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/utils/ipc/", line 195, in main
    result = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui2/convert/", line 26, in gui_convert
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/ebooks/conversion/", line 1088, in run
    accelerators, tdir)
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/customize/", line 245, in __call__
    log, accelerators)
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/ebooks/conversion/plugins/", line 118, in convert
    ro = recipe(opts, log, self.report_progress)
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/web/feeds/", line 904, in __init__
    self.browser = self.get_browser()
  File "<string>", line 86, in get_browser
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'next'
I will get to it in the future, but would appreciate if someone could help out! Best.
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Old 08-22-2017, 07:20 AM   #23
creator of calibre
kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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That is already fixed in the builtin recipe.
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Old 08-22-2017, 07:29 AM   #24
luis.nando began at the beginning.
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Device: Kindle 3
Thank you! It is working perfectly...
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Old 10-24-2017, 04:36 AM   #25
luis.nando began at the beginning.
Posts: 22
Karma: 20
Join Date: Aug 2011
Device: Kindle 3
Hi everyone,

We are back with a broken recipe.

The error is:

calibre, version 3.6.0 (linux2, embedded-python: False)
Conversion error: Falha: Fetch news from Folha de São Paulo

Fetch news from Folha de São Paulo
Conversion options changed from defaults:
verbose: 2
output_profile: 'kindle_dx'
Resolved conversion options
calibre version: 3.6.0
{'asciiize': False,
'author_sort': None,
'authors': None,
'base_font_size': 0,
'book_producer': None,
'change_justification': 'original',
'chapter': None,
'chapter_mark': 'pagebreak',
'comments': None,
'cover': None,
'debug_pipeline': None,
'dehyphenate': True,
'delete_blank_paragraphs': True,
'disable_font_rescaling': False,
'dont_compress': False,
'dont_download_recipe': False,
'duplicate_links_in_toc': False,
'embed_all_fonts': False,
'embed_font_family': None,
'enable_heuristics': False,
'expand_css': False,
'extra_css': None,
'extract_to': None,
'filter_css': None,
'fix_indents': True,
'font_size_mapping': None,
'format_scene_breaks': True,
'html_unwrap_factor': 0.4,
'input_encoding': None,
'input_profile': <calibre.customize.profiles.InputProfile object at 0x7f61963d3610>,
'insert_blank_line': False,
'insert_blank_line_size': 0.5,
'insert_metadata': False,
'isbn': None,
'italicize_common_cases': True,
'keep_ligatures': False,
'language': None,
'level1_toc': None,
'level2_toc': None,
'level3_toc': None,
'line_height': 0,
'linearize_tables': False,
'lrf': False,
'margin_bottom': 5.0,
'margin_left': 5.0,
'margin_right': 5.0,
'margin_top': 5.0,
'markup_chapter_headings': True,
'max_toc_links': 50,
'minimum_line_height': 120.0,
'mobi_file_type': 'old',
'mobi_ignore_margins': False,
'mobi_keep_original_images': False,
'mobi_toc_at_start': False,
'no_chapters_in_toc': False,
'no_inline_navbars': True,
'no_inline_toc': False,
'output_profile': <calibre.customize.profiles.KindleDXOutput object at 0x7f61963d3d10>,
'page_breaks_before': None,
'personal_doc': '[PDOC]',
'prefer_author_sort': False,
'prefer_metadata_cover': False,
'pretty_print': False,
'pubdate': None,
'publisher': None,
'rating': None,
'read_metadata_from_opf': None,
'remove_fake_margins': True,
'remove_first_image': False,
'remove_paragraph_spacing': False,
'remove_paragraph_spacing_indent_size': 1.5,
'renumber_headings': True,
'replace_scene_breaks': '',
'search_replace': None,
'series': None,
'series_index': None,
'share_not_sync': False,
'smarten_punctuation': False,
'sr1_replace': '',
'sr1_search': '',
'sr2_replace': '',
'sr2_search': '',
'sr3_replace': '',
'sr3_search': '',
'start_reading_at': None,
'subset_embedded_fonts': False,
'tags': None,
'test': False,
'timestamp': None,
'title': None,
'title_sort': None,
'toc_filter': None,
'toc_threshold': 6,
'toc_title': None,
'transform_css_rules': None,
'unsmarten_punctuation': False,
'unwrap_lines': True,
'use_auto_toc': False,
'verbose': 2}
InputFormatPlugin: Recipe Input running
Using custom recipe
--> INDEX set

--> post: <a href=""><img src="//" alt="Versão Impressa - Capa de hoje" /></a>
--> url:
--> title: Versão Impressa - Capa de hoje
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/calibre-parallel", line 20, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/utils/ipc/", line 195, in main
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui2/convert/", line 26, in gui_convert
File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/ebooks/conversion/", line 1088, in run
accelerators, tdir)
File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/customize/", line 245, in __call__
log, accelerators)
File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/ebooks/conversion/plugins/", line 119, in convert
File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/web/feeds/", line 1018, in download
res = self.build_index()
File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/web/feeds/", line 1193, in build_index
raise ValueError('No articles found, aborting')
ValueError: No articles found, aborting
luis.nando is offline   Reply With Quote

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